1907: On March 15, An Act Respecting Insane Persons was passed in Alberta, which was designed to determine how the “insane” would be managed.

1 The act referred to people with disabilities as “insane and dangerous to the community”, and gave the Justice of the peace authority to determine whether or not a person was in fact “insane”.2 It was the first legislation in Alberta that specifically focused on mental health.3 In 1924, the act is renamed the Mental Diseases Act.4 There is a language shift in the new legislation, and the “words “insane” and “insanity” are essentially wiped out of mental health legislation”.5


1. Luke Kersten. “Alberta passes “An Act respecting Insane Persons”,” eugenicsarchive.ca, accessed June 4, 2018, WEB

2. Ibid.

3. Ibid.

4. Amy Dyrbye, “Alberta renames “Insanity Act” to “Mental Diseases Act”,” eugenicsarchive.ca, accessed June 4, 2018, WEB