
Disability begins to be considered at least partially a social phenomenon in government policy texts. For example, the document Advancement… from 2002 states; “in the past two decades, as the disability rights movement has emerged, the concept of disability has shifted from individual impairment to a more social phenomenon”.1 However there continues to be dialogue about whether or not this idea of disability remains consistent within and throughout government policies, as contradictions seem to occur.2


1. Advancing the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities: A Government of Canada Report (Ottawa: Government of Canada, 2002),10.

2. Adele Furrie, “Disability Surveys in Canada,” in Disability and Social Policy in Canada. 2nd ed. Eds. Mary Ann McColl, Lyn Jongbloed, and Anne Crichton (Concord, Ont.: Captus Press, 2006), 16.