Prospect is established in Edmonton, as the product of the merge of two Calgary-based organizations; Calgary Vocational Services Society (CVS) and Calgary Transitions to Independence.1 Prospect established itself chiefly as a service provider for unemployed and underemployed people, especially those with disabilities, seniors, and at risk youth.2 Their mission is to “reduce barriers and deliver sustainable solutions so that everyone, regardless of circumstance, can reach his or her employment potential.”3
1. Prospect, “History,” prospectnow.ca, accessed July 23, 2018, https://www.prospectnow.ca/?p=2542.
1. Ibid.
3. Prospect, “OUR MISSION, OUR VISION, OUR PILLARS,” prospectnow.ca, accessed July 23, 2018, https://www.prospectnow.ca/?p=2543.